My first session

The first sessions sets the safe conditions for our time together during your counselling sessions.
Firstly, I will explain in detail the terms and conditions of the counselling contract, so that you are clear on what to expect from your counselling. You will be asked to sign and given a copy of the counselling contract before entering into our therapeutic working agreement. You will also be asked to complete a short scale based assessment to help you connect with your feelings and evaluate your presenting issues.

Confidentiality and Data Protection

As part of the initial consultation you will be required to complete a personal details form; e.g. name, date of birth, contact details, this is to ensure your safety in an emergency during our sessions together.

To assist in monitoring your progress I take brief notes on our sessions, these are anonymised and stored securely in a locked cabinet following The Data Protection Act (2018), this is to ensure your privacy and confidentiality are maintained at all times. All information is securely destroyed after 5 years.

All information obtained or discussed in our sessions is kept confidential, however I am legally bound by law to breach confidentiality if there are concerns that you are at significant risk of harm; if there are safety concerns of a child or vulnerable adult; any acts/knowledge of money laundering; drug tracking; or terrorism.

I am registered with the Information Commissions Office (registration number ZB526823 ) meaning I am committed to compliance with Data Protection and GDPR laws.